Indian Express

Chitral GandhiMahesh BheemarajUjaan DharAmit Kumar

Team statisticsClick to add/remove the team from your list of watched teams

Team name: Indian Express
Team website:
Established: Season 3, Race 1
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 13,548.62
Average points/race: 8.33
Average points/season: 141.57
Average standings position: 462.64
Most points earned in one race: 26.00 (Season 15, Race 14)
Season position: 418
Season points: 90.7335
Team achievements:

10% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 1 (Season 6, Race 1)
Members brought to Elite: 1
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 6

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. Chitral Gandhi Amateur - 62 40.1% (23.6%)
02. Mahesh Bheemaraj Amateur - 60 50.4% (8.7%)
03. Ujaan Dhar Rookie - 12 4.3% (0%)
04. Amit Kumar Rookie - 13 5.1% (0.9%)

Team logo

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Team open to all Indian racers with 100% race participation.

Only Requirement:
Try to Race every race and You will win.
If team-member misses more than 5 races in a season, then the team member will be kicked out.

Below process followed for team applicants and to help GPRO with fake identity, any fake accounts will be reported to GPRO admins
1) Please message the admin after sending the team application
2) Admin will schedule a video meeting to confirm you are who you say you are