Alpha Strike Racing

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Teamnaam: Alpha Strike Racing
Website: http://www.alphastrike.o...
Opgericht: Seizoen 16, Race 9
Teamtitels: 0
Gewonnen teambekers: 0
Aantal punten: 2,505.75
Gemiddelde punten/race: 1.79
Gemiddelde punten/seizoen: 30.43
Gemiddelde eindklassering: 1,008.01
Meeste punten in één race: 17.47 (Seizoen 19, Race 6)
Seizoensrangschikking: 1266
Seizoenspunten: 0

0% geopend

Meeste leden in Elite: 0
Leden naar Elite gebracht: 0
Aantal races per klasse:
Totale resultaten:
Resultaten dit seizoen:
Aantal supporters: 0
Open plaatsen: 0 (Team niet actief)

Neem dit team over

Een geliquideerd team overnemen kost je $5.000.000 als je voorheen lid was van het team, anders kost het je $7.500.000. Informatie in het intern team forum (als het team er één had) is geen onderdeel bij de overname en zal worden verwijderd vooraleer de overname klaar is. De rest van de bezittingen zullen echter bij het team blijven, inclusief team logo, team informatie, team statistieken, gescoorde punten/seizoen. Enkel manager in Amateur en hoger die geen negatieve balans hebben, kunnen een team overnemen.

Het overnemen van Alpha Strike Racing zal je $7.500.000 kosten.


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Welcome to Alpha Strike Racing.

Alpha Strike Racing is part of the Alpha Strike brand to which is a multi-national gaming community that puts fun first, our membership is mature and friendly. We value each others contributions and enjoy working as a team towards a variety of goals, we respect each others opinions and treat others as we'd hope for them to treat us.

We work hard and try to be the best managers on the track, through time, data and through strategies we work together to gain an advantage over the competition. The team is very active and we utilize peoples strengths in the best possible ways.

Most importantly everyone in our team is made to feel welcome and we have a great family atmosphere, to which everyone is part off and is expected to contribute towards. Everyone is treated as a friend and outside of GPRO we have chats where we can get to know each other.

The three main founders are David Burt, Andy ArazustA and Martin Drake, they were formally Buzzin Hornets members to which were a top 250 team in just one season and are now the main founders of Alpha Strike Racing.

****Currently rebuilding towards having more members in season 35. Please note that you should PM (private message) the Team Leader first before sending an application to join otherwise it will get rejected****