The Cute Koalas

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Teamnaam: The Cute Koalas
Website: Geen
Opgericht: Seizoen 34, Race 3
Teamtitels: 0
Gewonnen teambekers: 0
Aantal punten: 6,930.27
Gemiddelde punten/race: 6.31
Gemiddelde punten/seizoen: 107.30
Gemiddelde eindklassering: 626.57
Meeste punten in één race: 30.07 (Seizoen 41, Race 12)
Seizoensrangschikking: 840
Seizoenspunten: 0

5% geopend

Meeste leden in Elite: 0
Leden naar Elite gebracht: 0
Aantal races per klasse:
Totale resultaten:
Resultaten dit seizoen:
Aantal supporters: 0
Open plaatsen: 0 (Team niet actief)

Neem dit team over

Een geliquideerd team overnemen kost je $5.000.000 als je voorheen lid was van het team, anders kost het je $7.500.000. Informatie in het intern team forum (als het team er één had) is geen onderdeel bij de overname en zal worden verwijderd vooraleer de overname klaar is. De rest van de bezittingen zullen echter bij het team blijven, inclusief team logo, team informatie, team statistieken, gescoorde punten/seizoen. Enkel manager in Amateur en hoger die geen negatieve balans hebben, kunnen een team overnemen.

Het overnemen van The Cute Koalas zal je $7.500.000 kosten.


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The team with the sharpest and most care-taken nails and with the biggest and furriest eyes - it's The Cute Koalas. The second most dangerous animal in a jungle, right after a flying dodo.

The Cute Koalas is a team for those who feel they fit into some of these parameters:
1. She's a very attractive young single woman
2. He's an ugly, no-life GPROist male
3. One feels koala has always been underrated animal with a real killer instict
4. One just misses a team
5. One is corruptly mistaken to think that this team actually has some ambitions

The Cute Koalas is like Minardi in F1 or artillery battery in the army - it sounds fun and symphatetic, but if you notice you're spending too long time in it, you may need to think if you're talented enough into this. And since the team leader is a corrupted despot who doesn't want to race, you really should think twice before applying into this team (and for some reason, there's still none applications).

The Cute Koalas is an ugly little sister (okay, actually a cute one, of course) of the team The Flying Dodos and it's clearly visible: the results are just as miserable as theirs, except that none of our member(s) has ever been in Elite.

So, if you need a team, take contact. I probably won't read the PM's anyway. If you need a good team, stop reading. If you want to get into a team of which greatest goal is not to find a way to arrange a meeting at Bali, go away. If you want to get into a team where we don't share data and nobody cares about you, this is your team. The Cute Koalas works also as a center of slave trade taking promising users into The (great wide open, heh...) Flying Dodos or any other team which looks better by everything but the name than this team.

Naah. The real reason this team was created that there's a small despot in myself and I just wanted to feel the power in my furry, grey and cute hands.