Motorwagen Racing

Team statistikKlik for at tilføje/fjerne teamet fra din liste over teams du følger

Team navn: Motorwagen Racing
Teamets webside: Ingen
Etableret: Sæson 39, Løb 1
Mesterskaber: 0
Knockout cup sejre: 0
Point i alt: 1,280.08
Gen.snitlig point/løb: 1.26
Gennemsnitlig point/sæson: 21.40
Gennemsnitlige team placering: 1,330.27
Flest point vundet i ét løb: 20.47 (Sæson 43, Løb 10)
Sæsonplacering: 1551
Sæsonpoint: 0

5% låst op

Flest medlemmer i Elite: 0
Medlemmer der er nået til Elite: 0
Antal løb med teamets deltagelse:
Akkumulerede resultater:
Resultater i denne sæson:
Antal supporters: 0
Frie pladser: 0 (Team inaktiv)

Overtag dette team

At overtage et opløst team koster $5.000.000 hvis du har været medlem af teamet før, ellers koster det dig $7.500.000. Al information i det interne team forum (hvis teamet har et sådant) er ikke en del af overtagelses-processen, og vil blive fuldstændig slettet inden overtagelsen træder i kraft. Resten af teamets besiddelser vil dog fortsat blive i teamet under det nye lederskab, inklusiv team logo, team information, team statistik, optjente sæsonpoint/penge. Kun managere i Amateur eller højere, som ikke har negativ pengebeholdning kan overtage teams.

Overtagelse af Motorwagen Racing vil koste dig $7.500.000.

Team logo

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Welcome to Motorwagen Racing!

The Motorwagen Racing team welcomes all managers of all nationalities. We are all about teaching managers on how to promote in the game in addition to simply having fun.

We welcome Rookie’s who are new to the game but prepared to learn from the entire team and we also welcome amateur’s who are seeking advice on how to retain and promote to pro. We welcome managers from all groups of the game as long as they strive towards our common goal “be the best manager you can be”

We have on our forum a database of set-ups and strategies for every track on the game which we have gathered from seasons of racing. Our database also features tools and heaps of information to help you optimise your race performance.

As a team we engage in team discussions usually once every season. Throughout the season we converse through personal messages. If you would like to join a team with an active forum, consider Motorwagen Racing.

Currently we have positions available and we would love to fill them with managers who will benefit the team off and on track.

Requirements for managers:
• To be active in the forum and team talks
• Partake in every race
• Able to speak and understand English
• Share race analysis, set-up and strategy on the forum
• To be a team player and a contributing member to the family on and off the track.
• Supporter status preferred

PM Nate outlining what you can bring to the team if you would like to join. We are not extremely strict in choosing managers, but are not afraid of denying you if we feel that you are not committed enough to the game.

Hope to hear from you!