Cavalli Malati

Jasper CoosemansTan S LakeKamal NaouiVladimir ValisIlia LilovMark WebsterBranislav MihićLorenzo Di BuonoJackson TennantMaciej Zaleski

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Team lakering:
Team navn: Cavalli Malati
Teamets webside:
Etableret: Sæson 56, Løb 8
Mesterskaber: 1
Knockout cup sejre: 1
Point i alt: 25,426.81
Gen.snitlig point/løb: 31.82
Gennemsnitlig point/sæson: 541.00
Gennemsnitlige team placering: 64.47
Flest point vundet i ét løb: 67.87 (Sæson 89, Løb 16)
Sæsonplacering: 11
Sæsonpoint: 243.8002

67% låst op

Flest medlemmer i Elite: 10 (Sæson 90, Løb 1)
Medlemmer der er nået til Elite: 13
Antal løb med teamets deltagelse:
Akkumulerede resultater:
Resultater i denne sæson:
Antal supporters: 3
Frie pladser: 0


Plads Nat Managernavn Gruppe Bidrag
01. Jasper Coosemans1 Master - 2 6.5% (14.8%)
02. Tan S Lake Pro - 13 0.2% (6.6%)
03. Kamal Naoui Amateur - 10 11.3% (5.5%)
04. Vladimir Valis Amateur - 71 6.7% (6.3%)
05. Ilia Lilov Amateur - 12 5.1% (3%)
06. Mark Webster Master - 5 8.1% (4.2%)
07. Branislav Mihić Elite 28% (4.1%)
08. Lorenzo Di Buono1 Elite 20.2% (3.5%)
09. Jackson Tennant Master - 3 14% (1%)
10. Maciej Zaleski Pro - 8 0% (0%)

Team logo

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The CANI MALATI team was established in Season 40 by Carlo Merli. Some 15 seasons later, the family had grown to three teams. Everyone is welcome here regardless of previous experience, as long as you are willing to commit to the team on the long term and are keen to improve your game all the time.

We build our knowledge on real data and leave no stone unturned. Combined with high activity and a great team spirit, these are the foundations of our success.

S71: first Elite manager (Twig Fahaji)
S74: first Elite victory (George Slater)

Elite championships:
S76: Jasper Coosemans
S80: Joachim Rang
S81: Joachim Rang (2)
S83: George Slater
S86: Brad Marshall
S90: Bruno Caseiro
S91: George Slater (2)
S92: George Slater (3)
S94: George Slater (4)
S99: Lorenzo Di Buono
S100: Nigel Smith
S102: Nigel Smith (2)

Team championship:
S89: Cavalli Malati

Elite Malati podiums:
S79 R09: G. Slater - J. Coosemans - W. Kirstein
S88 R12: V. Valis - B. Marshall - J. Coosemans
S90 R12: B. Caseiro - V. Valis - P. Staessen
S90 R15: B. Caseiro - J. Coosemans - V. Valis
S91 R03: B. Caseiro - G. Slater - V. Valis
S91 R08: G. Slater - V. Valis - B. Caseiro
S91 R11: G. Slater - V. Valis - B. Caseiro
S94 R05: G. Slater - G. Pukk - B. Caseiro
S99 R06: L. Di Buono - T. S Lake - D. Abdalla
S100 R17: N. Smith - D. Abdalla - L. Di Buono
S102 R11: N. Smith - L. Di Buono - G. Pukk
S102 R13: N. Smith - L. Di Buono - B. Mihić
S102 R15: L. Di Buono - N. Smith - G. Pukk

CANI MALATI (Sick Dogs) (est. S40)

CUCCIOLI MALATI (Sick Puppies) (est. S50)

CAVALLI MALATI (Sick Horses) (est. S56)

our theme song: