Raging Rabbits

Tomás CoelhoMack CottonJim BeckerHerman EpskampJon DavisAndré MartinsNestor VicenteJoery JacobsHans Van RansbeeckMjan Meij

Tiimi statistikaVajutades lisad/eemaldad tiim jälgitavatest tiimidest

Tiimi auto kujundus:
Tiimi nimi: Raging Rabbits
Tiimi veebileht: -
Asutatud: Hooaeg 51, Sõit 5
Meistritiitel: 0
Karika võit: 0
Punkte kokku: 18,290.12
Keskmiselt punkte sõidus: 22.66
Keskmiselt punkte hooajal: 385.29
Keskmine koht: 126.33
Enim punkte ühes sõidus: 37.00 (Hooaeg 88, Sõit 17)
Hooaja koht: 196
Hooaja punktid: 203.8002
Tiimi saavutused:

19% avatud

Kõige rohkem liikmeid Elites: 0
Liikmeid pääsenud Elitesse: 0
Sõite tehtud:
Tulemused läbi aegade:
Selle hooaja tulemused:
Toetajate arv: 9
Vabu kohti: 0

Tiimi liikmed

Koht Riik Mängija nimi Grupp Panus
01. Tomás Coelho Amateur - 68 15% (10.6%)
02. Mack Cotton Pro - 14 15.2% (5.1%)
03. Jim Becker Pro - 9 4% (3.3%)
04. Herman Epskamp Amateur - 46 17.7% (4.1%)
05. Jon Davis Amateur - 43 8.4% (2.6%)
06. André Martins Amateur - 66 11.7% (3.5%)
07. Nestor Vicente Pro - 5 8.8% (4%)
08. Joery Jacobs Amateur - 35 2.4% (4.6%)
09. Hans Van Ransbeeck Rookie - 46 10.6% (3.9%)
10. Mjan Meij Amateur - 49 6.1% (0.9%)

Tiimi logo

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Greetings to all. Welcome to the RAGING RABBITS team profile.

Firstly I shall explain the reason for having a team with the name of “ Rabbits “, it´s actually quite simple. My surname in English means exactly that…Rabbit, so that explains it all.

Our team offers membership to anyone who wants to join us, whether you are a Rookie, Amateur or any other above that.

The main objective of our team is to have a great group of managers that can work, converse and have fun together in order to achieve success, in a calm, friendly and no stress atmosphere. We do not demand anything from any of our managers, except to adhere and respect the rules established below in the applicant's paragraph.

Our team can offer you:

• A friendly, calm and fun atmosphere environment, where you can compete, chat and learn about the game, ( if you are a Rookie and need this ), without any pressure or demand to go “ reaching for the sky”, so to speak. Even though our main aim is to do the best we can to reach the top.
• Assistance and active support to those who feel the need of guidance to obtain a deeper understanding of the game.
• Assistance with race setups and strategy, guides to other issues and factors of the game.

The rules for the acceptance of applicants are as follows:
• Must have the ability to speak and type in English.
• Willing to be supporters of the game.
• Must be active in the Team Forum, as it promotes a good atmosphere and benefits the team in the long run. In helping other managers with setup, strategy and game advice.
• Must race all 17 races in a season.

All applicants must first PM the team leader before applying to join the team, explaining your intentions within the game, what you can offer the team and what you expect from the team in return.

The RAGING RABBITS Team, thank you.

A special thanks to Raquel Coelho, for her great work in designing our Team Logo and Team Car Livery. The RAGING RABBITS members thank you.