Brabham BT62

Tiimi statistikaVajutades lisad/eemaldad tiim jälgitavatest tiimidest

Tiimi nimi: Brabham BT62
Tiimi veebileht: -
Asutatud: Hooaeg 46, Sõit 1
Meistritiitel: 0
Karika võit: 0
Punkte kokku: 11,448.29
Keskmiselt punkte sõidus: 12.78
Keskmiselt punkte hooajal: 217.21
Keskmine koht: 361.42
Enim punkte ühes sõidus: 32.80 (Hooaeg 91, Sõit 14)
Hooaja koht: 691
Hooaja punktid: 0
Tiimi saavutused:

19% avatud

Kõige rohkem liikmeid Elites: 1 (Hooaeg 51, Sõit 1)
Liikmeid pääsenud Elitesse: 1
Sõite tehtud:
Tulemused läbi aegade:
Selle hooaja tulemused:
Toetajate arv: 0
Vabu kohti: 0 (Tiim ei ole aktiivne)

Võta see tiim üle

Likvideeritud tiimi ülevõtmine maksab $5.000.000 kui sa oled varem olnud selle tiimi liige. Kui sa ei ole olnud liige, siis maksab see $7.500.000. Tiimi foorumis (kui tiimil oli foorum) olnud info kustutatakse ning see ei kuulu ülevõtmise juurde. Teised tiimi andmed jäävad kõik alles (tiimi logo, tiimi info, tiimi statistika, teenitud punktid/raha). Ainult mängijad Amateuris või kõrgemates klassides saavad mängijaid üle võtta (peab olema positiivne saldo).

Brabham BT62 ülevütmine maksab sulle $7.500.000.

Tiimi logo

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[size=+3][color=#00C459]SHITBIRDS BT62[/color][/size]
[color=#00C459F]A family of teams with the best Shitbirds going striving to slap the most balls along the way to being the best in the game.

All hail Mazikeen the demoness of GPRO!

Carl is a very generous lover[/color]
Season 95 Status
Higher, Further and Faster :)
Our teams Status
[color=#FF5757]Brabham BT46[/color]
[color=#00C459]Brabham BT62[/color]
[color=#E67E22]Brabham BT69[/color]
[size=+1][color=orange]NOT RECRUITING[/color][/size]
Link: [color=#7AC6FF](Read our recruitment posts)[/color]


[size=+1]Season 92:[/size]
R2: BT46 enters the cup for the first time!
S92R3: BT46 broke its points record PB: 36.40
S92R5: BT46 broke its points record PB: 41.33
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Carl[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Francisco[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Berkay[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Berkay (P7) | Francisco (P16) | GarethL (A55) | Bartlomiej (A70) | Maz (A71)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Berkay (P7) | Aswin (A55) | GarethL (A55) | Joaquin (A55) | Bartlomiej (A70) | Maz (A71)
Second season running where all 3 teams hit the top 50. BT46 takes 14th (90th best all time season score), Brabham takes 21st & BT62 takes 48th.

[size=+1]Season 91:[/size]
S91R10: Brabham broke its points record PB: 43.43, BT46 also broke its points record PB: 35.00
S91R12: BT46 broke its points record PB: 36.13
S91R13: BT62 broke its points record PB: 32.53
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Marcelo[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Goran[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]David[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Marcelo (P19) | Dave (R14)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Marcelo (P19) | Dave (R14)
All 3 teams have finished in the top 50 for the first time!

[size=+1]Season 90:[/size]
All 3 teams have new graphics, developed in-house
Brabham enters the team cup for the second time in a row with 0.02 points to spare in 32nd
Brabham broke the team points record PB: 42.33 (S90R7)
BT46 broke the team points record PB: 31.73 (S90R10)
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Edwin[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Goncalo[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Carl[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Carl (A5) | Francisco (A30) | Aswin (R31)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Carl (A5) | Berkay (A7) | Francisco (A30) | Geoff (A74) | Aswin (R31)
All 3 teams have finished in the top 100 for the first time. Brabham gets another top 20 in 18th, BT46 takes 65th, and BT62 takes 86th

[size=+1]Season 89:[/size]
Brabham enters the Team Cup for the first time, getting to Round 2!
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Vyacheslav[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Rafal[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Miguel[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Vyacheslav (P19) | Miguel (P12) | Rafal (P18) | Mateusz (A5) | Marcelo (A45) | Davi (R88)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Rafal (P18) | Mateusz (A5) | Marcelo (A45) | Davi (R88)
Brabham finished 12th, which is the best season to date! BT46 takes 56th, and BT62 143rd.

[size=+1]Season 88:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Edwin[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Otto[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Cezary[/color]
Cezary - M4[img][/img] [color=lime]Promotion to Elite[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Marcelo (R38) | Johan (R84)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Marcelo (R38) | Johan (R84)
Cez becomes the first player since Brabham's resurgence to promote to Elite. Brabham takes 39th, both BT46 & BT62 had some retiring players leaving, and the future is even more bright for all 3 after some fantastic recruits.

[size=+1]Season 87:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Rafal[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Edwin[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Stuart[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Goncalo (A34) | Rafal (A13)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Goncalo (A34) | Rafal (A13)
Brabham finished 37th. Decent season. BT62 & BT46 were just shy of top 100, but both looking good for future seasons!

[size=+1]Season 86:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Edwin[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Martin[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Claudio[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Sean (R129) |
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Sean (R129) | David (R150)
Brabham broke the team points record PB: 40.00 (S86R13)

[size=+1]Season 85:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Martin[/color] | 🥈: [color=#silver]Goran[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Claudio[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Martin (P1)
52nd in the team standings. Lower end of prediction, but not too bad.

[size=+1]Season 84:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Luke[/color] | 🥈: [color=#silver]Goran[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Edwin[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Luke (P20) |
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Luke (P20) | Edwin (A4) | Geoff (R34)
We broke the team points record PB: 38.72 (S84R16)
First top 20 & personal best standings position since rebuild (16th!)

[size=+1]Season 83:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]James[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Jack[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Goran[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: James (A66)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: James (A66)

[size=+1]Season 82:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Goran[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Martin[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Luke[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Goran (A13) | Geoff (R56)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Goran (A13) | Martin | GarethG (R3)
First top 100 (84th) finish since season 37!

[size=+1]Season 81:[/size]
MVP: 🏅: [color=gold]Luke[/color] | 🥈: [color=silver]Goran[/color] | 🥉: [color=#FF9933]Jack[/color]
[color=yellow]🏆 Championship[/color]: Luke (A15) | Jack (R75) | James (R83)
[color=yellow]🥇 Cup[/color]: Luke (A15) | Jack (R75)