STORM Drivers

Pedro NazaréRui MoraisJoao CarlosPaulo NevesPedro CorreiaMario SendimAlexandre CostaRichard SawkinsMarco PomboMiguel Mateus

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Tiimin värit:
Tiimin nimi: STORM Drivers
Tiimin nettisivut: http://www.somewhere.ali/
Perustettu: Kausi 20, Kilpailu 1
Mestaruutta: 2
Tiimien Cup-voitot: 2
Pisteitä yhteensä: 39,275.63
Pistekeskiarvo/kilpailu: 29.31
Pistekeskiarvo/kausi: 498.27
Tiimisijoitus keskiarvo: 62.81
Yhden kilpailun piste-ennätys: 65.13 (Kausi 64, Kilpailu 4)
Kausi sijoitus: 27
Kausi pisteet: 432.5999
Tiimin saavutukset:

90% saavutettu

Eniten jäseniä Elite-tasolla: 3 (Kausi 65, Kilpailu 1)
Elite-tasolle nousseita jäseniä: 9
Kilpailuedustus sarjatasoilla:
Kumulatiivinen tulos:
Tämän kauden tulokset:
Supporterien määrä: 10
Vapaita paikkoja: 0 (Hakemuksia ei vastaanoteta)

Tiimin jäsenet

# Maa Managerin nimi Ryhmä Piste osuus
01. Pedro Nazaré Amateur - 63 9.4% (12.9%)
02. Rui Morais Amateur - 9 12.9% (9.7%)
03. Joao Carlos Pro - 13 14.6% (9.2%)
04. Paulo Neves Pro - 23 7.9% (8.7%)
05. Pedro Correia Amateur - 49 6.4% (8.7%)
06. Mario Sendim Amateur - 6 8.5% (7.3%)
07. Alexandre Costa Master - 5 8.9% (2.8%)
08. Richard Sawkins Pro - 22 11.1% (2.5%)
09. Marco Pombo Pro - 25 15.3% (1.6%)
10. Miguel Mateus Amateur - 52 5.1% (2.3%)

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Life was peaceful and quiet until the STORM arrived... then GPRO changed!

A STORM is a natural phenomenon resulting from the combination of efforts of different forces of nature. So did STORM Drivers, in S20, as a Portuguese Managers Team, joining efforts with the final goal of, individually, reaching 1st place in ELITE and, as a team, win the Team Championship.

STORM Managers that have already reached elite (at least once):
Filipe Pina, Pedro Nazaré, Rui Morais, João Barbosa, Manuel João, Pedro Correia, Paulo Neves, Hugo Reis, Alexandre Costa... and soon, for sure, will be many more!

If it's easy, anyone can do it
If it's hard, only the best will
If it's impossible... the STORM achieves it!

Note: Unsolicited applications will be automatically denied. We will only consider those preceded by direct invitation from the Team Leader... but to be a STORM Driver you 'll have to overcome STORM admission first!!!