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Managers with most Grand Chelems
(pole, fastest lap, win and lead every lap in a single race)

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# Manager name Group Grand Chelems
101. Mikko Eerola Retired 8
101. Javi Aranda Retired 8
103. Maurizio Siracusa Elite 7
103. Toto Soave Elite 7
103. Atis Praudiņš Elite 7
103. Stephane Verly Master - 1 7
103. Aleksandar Milanov Master - 3 7
103. Laurent Quinet Master - 4 7
103. Toms Polis Pro - 5 7
103. Jay De Snoo Pro - 7 7
103. Sergey Sergeev Pro - 9 7
103. Billy Van Der Merwe Pro - 10 7
103. Dmitry Knyazev Pro - 11 7
103. Marek Popławski Pro - 20 7
103. Vishnu Mohan Pro - 22 7
103. Kaspar Marcus Paukson Pro - 22 7
103. Joshua Abbott Pro - 23 7
103. Juraj Buksár Amateur - 4 7
103. Robert Horvath Amateur - 18 7
103. Kaja Subrova Amateur - 20 7
103. Petri Mattila Amateur - 47 7
103. Andreas Vigil Amateur - 63 7
103. Tomasz Kałużny Amateur - 63 7
103. Michele Tommasi Amateur - 67 7
103. Carlos Vieira Jr Amateur - 80 7
103. Manny Pacolli Rookie - 18 7
103. Niko Raittinen Rookie - 26 7
103. Matilde Alberton Rookie - 43 7
103. Seppo Kaisalmi Retired 7
103. Giedrius Bindza Retired 7
103. Alex Mota Retired 7
103. Asim Akram Retired 7
103. Andres Eduardo Lopez Retired 7
103. Carlo Marinari Retired 7
103. Felix Horch Retired 7
103. Franklin Canadas Retired 7
103. Fran Betancort Retired 7
138. Leandro Sereno7 Elite 6
138. Nikolett Csik Master - 1 6
138. Mikko Suhonen Master - 4 6
138. Joe Manifold Pro - 5 6
138. Szabolcs Habóczki Pro - 5 6
138. Vitor Gonçalves Novo Pro - 6 6
138. Marcin Skrzypiec Pro - 9 6
138. Martin Freeth Pro - 9 6
138. Michel Vandecastelle Pro - 10 6
138. Ayman Daher Pro - 17 6
138. Mehdi El Fathy Pro - 17 6
138. Patrik Lauterkrantz Amateur - 1 6
138. Piotr Siekierka Amateur - 8 6
138. Peter Kandel Amateur - 35 6
138. Hugo Costa Amateur - 37 6
138. Panagiotis Sant Amateur - 47 6
138. Timotej Andonovski Amateur - 48 6
138. Ervins Licitis Amateur - 50 6
138. Antoon de Jong Amateur - 50 6
138. Josep Meyer Amateur - 52 6
138. Pieterjan Staessen Amateur - 61 6
138. Chitral Gandhi Amateur - 62 6
138. Vladimir Petrov Amateur - 71 6
138. Geoff Todd Rookie - 45 6
138. Janko Petrovski Rookie - 119 6
138. Sebastian Ricciuto Rookie - 142 6
138. Willie Avent Retired 6
138. Gabriel Leis Retired 6
138. Alex Tartampion Retired 6
138. Mantas Feiferis Retired 6
138. Jan Zaluski Retired 6
138. Andrew Wilden Retired 6
138. Sion Francis Retired 6
138. Bartosz Owsianny Retired 6
138. Christopher Willis Retired 6
138. Mihaela Bosneag Retired 6
138. Thomas Hellbusch Retired 6
138. Todor Ivanov Retired 6
138. Cesar Teruel Retired 6
138. Can Yıldız Retired 6
138. Piotr Lechna Retired 6
138. Joaquim Sierra Retired 6
138. Alexander Tsivanin Retired 6
138. Chris Kilgour Retired 6
138. Mindaugas Sarocka Retired 6
138. Andre Ravlinski Retired 6
138. Volker Sanwald Retired 6
138. Chris Heidrich Retired 6
138. Leonardo Bittencourt Retired 6
138. Danny Bayliss Retired 6
138. Tom Parker Retired 6
138. Tiago Cordeiro Retired 6
138. Ognjen Bosić Retired 6
138. Paulo Soares Retired 6
138. Dirk Sperling Retired 6
138. Aleksey Odegov Retired 6
138. Aleksandar Galbulev Retired 6
138. Giuseppe Greco Retired 6
138. Yuri Peshkilev Retired 6
138. Heite Schaumann Retired 6
138. Scott Wilden Retired 6
138. Andres Felipe Sanchez Retired 6
200. Roland Postle10 Elite 5
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