Nuova Lotus Italia

Vito RuggioDaniele CopponiGiovanni GuazzarriSergio MalonniSante SeveriniSalvatore SiracusaFabio GuidettiSimone BlasiAntonino TrefilettiMarco Bergoglio

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Team name: Nuova Lotus Italia
Team website: None
Established: Season 45, Race 17
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 19,230.43
Average points/race: 21.41
Average points/season: 364.05
Average standings position: 160.87
Most points earned in one race: 38.53 (Season 93, Race 14)
Season position: 151
Season points: 245.9336
Team achievements:

19% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 0
Members brought to Elite: 0
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 2
Free spots: 0

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. Vito Ruggio Amateur - 12 17.3% (12.9%)
02. Daniele Copponi Pro - 14 0.1% (9.8%)
03. Giovanni Guazzarri Amateur - 45 8.6% (7.7%)
04. Sergio Malonni Amateur - 23 4.4% (7.9%)
05. Sante Severini Pro - 4 9% (8%)
06. Salvatore Siracusa Master - 3 7% (6.5%)
07. Fabio Guidetti Pro - 20 18.7% (5.4%)
08. Simone Blasi Amateur - 52 7.7% (2.6%)
09. Antonino Trefiletti Amateur - 40 6.8% (5.8%)
10. Marco Bergoglio Pro - 23 20.4% (2.7%)

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Nuova Lotus Italia | su GPRO dalla stagione 46

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