..::United Front F1 Team::..

Miroslav MikovTodor Peev

Team statisticsClick to add/remove the team from your list of watched teams

Team livery:
Team name: ..::United Front F1 Team::..
Team website: None
Established: Season 13, Race 4
Championships: 0
Knockout cup wins: 0
Total points: 9,594.81
Average points/race: 6.60
Average points/season: 112.26
Average standings position: 542.10
Most points earned in one race: 26.07 (Season 16, Race 17)
Season position: 556
Season points: 24.6665
Team achievements:

5% unlocked

Most members in Elite: 0
Members brought to Elite: 0
Number of races represented in:
Cumulative results:
Results this season:
Number of supporters: 0
Free spots: 8

Team members

Spot Nat Manager name Group Contribution
01. Miroslav Mikov Amateur - 46 24.9% (3%)
02. Todor Peev Amateur - 17 75.1% (17.7%)

Team logo

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The United Front F1 Team was created by manager Gabor Peter Kovacs [HUN] on the 10th of February 2009 (Season 13 Race 4), with the aim of bringing together a number of GPRO managers from all around the world to fight united for a common goal: to become the ultimate GPRO team, to become the ultimate GPRO Champion.

[Team Info]:

Official Language: English