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Author Topic: Sponsor negotiation 4 replies
Bob Christensen
(Group Amateur - 28)

Posts: 6
Old post #1 posted Jul 22nd 2020, 01:45:13 Quote 
For some reason in my sponsor negotiations I have a engine cover sponsor and one of my negotiations has a second offer for the same. I always check before I set the area so I am not sure what happened. Do you know what happens if they accept the offer? Should I cancel this negotiation?
Jay De Snoo
(Group Pro - 11)

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Old post #2 posted Jul 22nd 2020, 02:05:05 Quote 
Only thing I can see is you promoted. Now that usually provides a free sponsor to the lowest free spot available. Maybe you got lucky (although I sincerely doubt that)?

In every other case it's not a promo sponsor, but a sponsor you picked the spot for. And my bets are on that.
Matías Alloatti
(Group Amateur - 83)

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Old post #3 posted Jul 22nd 2020, 02:09:53 Quote 
The sponsor on your engine cover that appeared could have been a promotion sponsor.

If before that you had started a negotiation with a second sponsor for the engine cover, there is no need to cancel it. When this sponsor reaches 100% progress, they will wait until the other sponsor finishes its contract.
Graham Mercer
(Group Amateur - 2)

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Old post #4 posted Jul 22nd 2020, 02:14:39 Quote 
@Bob Christensen (A28) if I understand correctly you have two different sponsor negotiations underway for the engine cover?

If that is the case then you don't need to panic or cancel. Assuming neither one has other people negotiating with them (they are green, not yellow or orange) then the first one to reach 100% will activate.
The second one will still progress and when it reaches 100% it will sit there waiting for that spot to become vacant.
Once the original sponsor contract terminates (at end of contract or sponsor quits if not happy) then you will be able to activate the sponsor waiting for the spot.
Bob Christensen
(Group Amateur - 28)

Posts: 6
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Old post #5 posted Jul 22nd 2020, 02:21:45 Quote 
Cool, thanks for the answers. One of the sponsors is active now and the other is about 90% complete. The second one is only negotiating with me so that works as well. I was a little concerned for sure.
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