-LTU_F1- 2nd

Justinas Bartkus

Timske statistikeKlikni za dodavanje/micanje tima na/sa svoje liste praćenja timova

Timska karoserija:
Naziv Tima: -LTU_F1- 2nd
Stranica Tima: Ništa
Osnovan: Sezona 20, Utrka 1
Prvenstva: 0
Na ispadanje kup pobjede: 0
Ukupno bodova: 6,222.40
Prosjek bodova po utrci: 4.65
Prosječni bodovi/sezona: 79.06
Prosječna pozicija u poretku: 691.12
Najviše osvojenih bodova u 1 utrci: 31.87 (Sezona 21, Utrka 4)
Pozicija u sezoni: 889
Bodova u sezoni: 0
Timska postignuća:

5% otključano

Većina članova u Elite: 0
Članovi dovedeni u Elite: 0
Broj utrka zastupljenih u:
Kumulativni rezultati:
Rezultati ove sezone:
Broj pretplatnika: 0
Slobodna mjesta: 9

Članovi Tima

Mjesto Nac Ime i prezime Grupa Doprinos
01. Justinas Bartkus Rookie - 102 0% (9.3%)

Timski grb

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*Who are we?*

We are members of '-LTU_F1- 2nd' team. Our primary team is '-LTU_F1-'.
( /TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=191 ). Lot's of good players moved there. Some returned. But they changed...
*What are we doing here?*

We are trying to achieve victories, have a good time, get to the bottom of the game algorithms, promote Lithuania and then world peace!
*Who is '-LTU_F1- 2nd' boss?*

No one really knows, so please contact the current Team Leader. We play democracy. In theory
*If you want to join us...*

Please apply. It helps if you message Aurimas Klimavicius as well. Lithuanians are more likely to be accepted to Lithuanian speaking emigrants and foreigners.
*What should you write in your letter?*

Reason why do you want to join us and why you are better than a player with no missed races, more than 2 seasons in the game and basic knowledge of the game