Versant Racing

Mikko HeikkinenTim WagnerMike BastonMichael MonacoMartin BritainGreg TierneyGraham MercerSebastian JóźwiakJonathan BeaglesTroy Sheahen

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Timska karoserija:
Naziv Tima: Versant Racing
Stranica Tima: https://upload.wikimedia...
Osnovan: Između S7 i S8
Prvenstva: 0
Na ispadanje kup pobjede: 0
Ukupno bodova: 45,022.92
Prosjek bodova po utrci: 27.90
Prosječni bodovi/sezona: 474.22
Prosječna pozicija u poretku: 39.35
Najviše osvojenih bodova u 1 utrci: 55.67 (Sezona 92, Utrka 14)
Pozicija u sezoni: 72
Bodova u sezoni: 387.4666
Timska postignuća:

43% otključano

Većina članova u Elite: 2 (Sezona 38, Utrka 1)
Članovi dovedeni u Elite: 9
Broj utrka zastupljenih u:
Kumulativni rezultati:
Rezultati ove sezone:
Broj pretplatnika: 10
Slobodna mjesta: 0 (Nema prihvaćenih zahtjeva)

Članovi Tima

Mjesto Nac Ime i prezime Grupa Doprinos
01. Mikko Heikkinen Pro - 19 21.1% (8.1%)
02. Tim Wagner Pro - 14 9.9% (8%)
03. Mike Baston Pro - 5 10.2% (8.9%)
04. Michael Monaco Pro - 11 11% (7.3%)
05. Martin Britain Amateur - 59 12.1% (5.9%)
06. Greg Tierney Pro - 12 11.3% (5.3%)
07. Graham Mercer Master - 2 5.2% (4%)
08. Sebastian Jóźwiak Amateur - 75 5.6% (3.1%)
09. Jonathan Beagles Pro - 4 7.3% (5.3%)
10. Troy Sheahen Pro - 2 6.3% (5%)

Timski grb

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Versant...the word stands for knowledgeable, we stand for friendship, camaraderie and striving to learn more.

Tim-Oliver Wagner – Last surviving German and proud of it. Let’s face it, he’s probably planning an invasion of Jaguar or Whiskey and Cigars. In the meantime, he is rightly Versant’s resident football authority and anger management consultant.

Mike Baston - Epitomises the English grit, screwed over by public sector cuts and here to nationalise GPRO one race at a time!

Mikko Heikkinen – Legend of the game, prised from the heart of Martini and installed in the heart of Versant. Think of him as a trophy kill, with his head mounted on the wall of the Versantian drawing room.

Michael Monaco – “Look, you’ve already got a Mike”, they said. We overlooked the potential confusion and snapped him up as soon as the chance arose after stalking him for 25 seasons. Good at shrugging.

Martin Britain - After the stunning success of fellow Aussie Troy Sheahen it was decided to bring another Antipodean into the Versant fold.

Greg Tierney - Has a head like a racing beaver. The world needs more racing beavers...

Graham Mercer - The illegitimate love child of Santa and Chewbacca. As old as Methuselah with dad jokes to match.

Sebastian Jóźwiak - Has a finger much like another Seb we know... Might also be on Firefly getting into all kinds of mischief

Jonathan Beagles (JB) - The squirrel has returned!!! Here to tell us folksy tales of what Versant was like "back in his day" and definitely NOT to plan a coup to reclaim leadership of the team...

Troy Sheahan – Returning to Versant latrine cleaner duty to observe the incorrect Coriolis Effect.