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Pengarang Topik: Remove all acheivements by DAs 63 balasan
Jon Day
(Kumpulan Rookie - 115)

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Kiriman lama #61 dikirim Jun 19 2020, 22:26:00 (terakhir disunting Jun 19 2020, 22:26:28 oleh Jon Day) Sebut 
I checked the oil in my van today....It was fine.
Just thought I'd share that with you all.

David Andrewartha
(Kumpulan Pro - 3)

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Kiriman lama #62 dikirim Jun 19 2020, 22:40:56 Sebut 
Quote ( Jon Day @ June 19th 2020,22:26:00 )

I checked the oil in my van today....It was fine.

Glad to hear it mate, you know the old saying "Check your oil and water every day because if you don't it could lead to lubrication or cooling problems and shorten the effective life of your engine and possibly render any manufacturer or garage warranties null and void if the owner is found to be at fault. Other terms and conditions may also apply."
Jay De Snoo
(Kumpulan Master - 3)

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Kiriman lama #63 dikirim Jun 19 2020, 23:15:10 Sebut 

Quote ( David Andrewartha @ June 19th 2020,22:40:56 )

Quote ( Jon Day @ June 19th 2020,22:26:00 )

I checked the oil in my van today....It was fine.
Glad to hear it mate, you know the old saying "Check your oil and water every day because if you don't it could lead to lubrication or cooling problems and shorten the effective life of your engine and possibly render any manufacturer or garage warranties null and void if the owner is found to be at fault. Other terms and conditions may also apply."

What you rumble about oil and lubrication? I'm sure I read about shagging sisters and we've a saying (translated) 'the redder the roof, the wetter the basement'

With so much Irish, English and scottish around, any available redhead sisters? I 'm asking for a friend... ;)
David Andrewartha
(Kumpulan Pro - 3)

Kiriman: 1423
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Kiriman lama #64 dikirim Jun 19 2020, 23:30:06 Sebut 
Quote ( Jay De Snoo @ June 19th 2020,23:15:10 )

'the redder the roof, the wetter the basement'

I've never heard that one before, that's a good one. And in answer to your question, no.
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