Kingdom of Kings

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Naam: Kingdom of Kings
Team website: Geen
Opgericht: Seizoen 69, Race 1
Kampioen: 0
Bekerwinst: 0
Aantal punten: 39.40
Gemiddelde punten/race: 0.08
Gemiddelde punten/seizoen: 1.33
Gemiddelde stand in het klassement: 2,149.34
Meeste punten in één race: 3.93 (Seizoen 71, Race 3)
Klassementspositie: 2327
Seizoenspunten: 0
Team prestaties:

0% vrijgespeeld

Meeste leden in Elite: 0
Leden naar Elite gekregen: 0
Aantal races vertegenwoordigd in:
Cumulatieve resultaten:
Resultaten dit seizoen:
Aantal supporters: 0
Open plaatsen: 0 (Team niet actief)

Neem dit team over

Een geliquideerd team overnemen kost je $5.000.000 als je voorheen lid was van het team, anders kost het je $7.500.000. Informatie in het intern team forum (als het team er één had) is geen onderdeel bij de overname en zal worden verwijderd voordat de overname tot stand komt. De rest van de bezittingen zullen echter bij het team blijven, inclusief teamlogo, teaminformatie, teamstatistieken, gescoorde punten/seizoen. Enkel managers in Amateur en hoger die geen negatieve balans hebben, kunnen een team overnemen.

Het overnemen van Kingdom of Kings zal je $7.500.000 kosten.

Team logo

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*************************** Kingdom of Kings ***************************

Your eyes right now, are being blessed by the Kingdom of Kings. It is a place where only the greatest of the great can enter, it is a place where only the most bold of living beings dare to set foot in, it is a place where only true Kings reside.

Until the Kingdom of Kings was created, there were only gatherings of mediocre that would make up a team. The mediocre never achieved anything, never made any value, never gave anything to the people.
As for the ones above those mediocre people, they never knew what to do, never had a goal to go towards, they never tried, they don't have what it takes to be great. They got above the mediocre with pure luck.

It was a great tradegy this place, full of nothing but trash. One day everyone got blessed! One golden seed apeared and grew into a legend. That legend is the King of the Kingdom of Kings. The greatest of the greatest, the best of the best. He saved everyone from misery, form failure, from disaster. Providing them with life, with joy, happines and adventure, the people got better. His presence alone made this place into a paradise.

Many love him and many more hate him. Their jealousy is killing them, their own incapability is destroying them, their own stupidness drives them crazy. They are mad at themselves for not being able to sit with him at the same table, for not being able to talk to him eye to eye, for being to scared of his power. Who is he, the greatest of the greatest, the legend, the number one, the one people love, the one mediocre hate?

It is, Teddy Quinton, the King of all Kings...

*************************** Kingdom of Kings ***************************