The Special One

Luis SantosNuno VicenteLuis Quintino FerreiraJosé FilipeRicardo VidalVitor Gonçalves NovoJorge BentoDavid LopesArmenio SantosDaniel Andrade

Squadron numb'rsBe clickin' t' be addin'/dismissin' th' squadron fro' yer spyin' lis'

Squadron be call'd: The Special One
Squadron website: https://www.youwouldlove...
First sail'd t'gether: Voyage 3, Race 1
Chalices: 1
Knockout flagons: 1
Tot'l prizes: 52,586.59
Av'rage prizes/race: 30.81
Av'rage prizes/voyage: 523.71
Av'rage rankin': 27.99
Most prizes in a race: 57.47 (Voyage 18, Race 4)
Voyage coordinates: 13
Voyage prizes: 238.3834
Squadron accolades:

Ahoy! 52% unlocked

Most cap'ns in Elite: 5 (Voyage 10, Boat race 1)
Cap'ns raised to Elite: 16
Boat races represented in:
Tot'l victors 'n' plinths:
Joss this voyage:
Thralls o' th' Pirate King: 5
Berths: 0 (Nay wantin' yer t' apply)

Cap'ns in th' squadron

Berth HP Cap'n Armada Who did wha'
01. Luis Santos Pro - 3 16.5% (1.9%)
02. Nuno Vicente Pro - 9 6% (12%)
03. Luis Quintino Ferreira Elite 2.1% (4.3%)
04. José Filipe Pro - 19 10.4% (4%)
05. Ricardo Vidal Master - 3 15.8% (7.3%)
06. Vitor Gonçalves Novo Pro - 16 11.2% (5.8%)
07. Jorge Bento Pro - 7 10.1% (2.8%)
08. David Lopes Pro - 8 5.7% (0.1%)
09. Armenio Santos Pro - 3 9.8% (8%)
10. Daniel Andrade Elite 12.3% (2.3%)

Squadron figurehead

Pirate song  |   Cap'n vitals  |   Thin's tha' be done  |   Races fro' previous challenges  |   'appen'd  |   Spies
It doesn't matter what you are, but what you become: Special, the One!!

João Monteiro Champion S36 & S43
Frederico Neves Champion S42

Team Winners & Team Cup Knockout - Season 58

Nuno "Six-pack" Vicente
Arménio "Silent Man" Santos
Ricardo "Harder Faster" Vidal
Vitor "The Lion" Novo
Zé "Wiseman" Filipe
Luis "Il Dottore Quintino" Ferreira
Jorge "The Collector" Bento
Ricky "Crossfitter Shooter" Silva
Daniel "Golden Hands" Andrade
Luis "Winemaker" Santos
David " Seringas " Lopes