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Roy Mitchell
(Grupo Amateur - 47)

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Mensagem antiga #20782 colocada 15 Dez 2023, 01:54:00 Citar 
I stand corrected .
Daniel Mason
(Grupo Pro - 1)

Mensagens: 5215
Estados Unidos da América 
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Mensagem antiga #20783 colocada 15 Dez 2023, 05:21:57 Citar 
No no, it probably takes you, Roy, 20 races to negotiate with 1 sponsor, so you're sorta correct.
Niels Van Heijster
(Grupo Amateur - 42)

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Mensagem antiga #20784 colocada 15 Dez 2023, 15:12:05 Citar 
Quote ( Elliot Rowley @ December 15th 2023,00:04:54 )

I am not sure that would agree with this, especially as my experience differs with this advice.

While as a newbie you may disagree, you would be better doing a bit more reading between the lines!
You're racking op podium finishes, and as such are doing well, also in sponsor progress. Remember how that progress was last season when finishing P23? You're run now also is not the norm, as for you being on top, others are below doing slightly less well, with slightly less progress ...

You are still(!) new to the game, and eager as it seems which is good. However, as you are playing up 39 real people out there somewhere (once you are up in PRO), you'll come to see that for every gain on one end, there is a loss on the other end, take that as broadly as possible too ;)

Have a good game, and GL next season up in AMA!

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