Grand Prix Racing Online Fórum > Bug forum > Wealthiest teams statistic bug Ignorar este tópico Adicionar este tópico à lista de tópicos vigiados
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Autor Tópico: Wealthiest teams statistic bug 1 resposta
Bartek Nowak
(Grupo Amateur - 22)

Mensagens: 178
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Mensagem antiga #1 colocada 25 Set 2018, 17:36:46 Citar 
I'm watching the "Wealthiest teams" statistics occasionally and now spotted something weird.

First place team - Midland F1 Racing - have a balance of 1,452 billion (1452 million) in the classification. But they have only 3 managers in team with a sum of around 300 million.

I don't check other teams money, but Midland's account really stands out.
Jukka Sireni2
(Grupo Rookie - 69)

Equipa GPRO
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Mensagem antiga #2 colocada 25 Set 2018, 18:25:05 Citar 
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Grand Prix Racing Online Fórum > Bug forum > Wealthiest teams statistic bug Ignorar este tópico Adicionar este tópico à lista de tópicos vigiados

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