Grand Prix Racing Online Fórum > Bug forum > Whole site becomes white and flashes Ignorar este tópico Adicionar este tópico à lista de tópicos vigiados
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Autor Tópico: Whole site becomes white and flashes 0 respostas
Nikolaï Samarine
(Grupo Rookie - 87)

Mensagens: 14
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Mensagem antiga #1 colocada 4 Jun 2019, 11:03:32 Citar 
Hi everyone!

I have some technical problem with the site, these last weeks: the website sometimes becomes white and flashes lightly. I can scroll (the flashing pattern moves down/up), but I can't see anything. Refreshing the page doesn't change anything, either.
The only way I found to solve this problem was to open a new tab and enter gpro again.
But what else can I do to solve this? Does it happen to anyone else?
(I am on firefox, I don't know if that matters)
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Grand Prix Racing Online Fórum > Bug forum > Whole site becomes white and flashes Ignorar este tópico Adicionar este tópico à lista de tópicos vigiados

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