Car Thieves

Sebastian JanczewskiWitek DzideczekMariusz PalakMichał KaczmarekAdrian ParadowskiDariusz BorysiewiczPaweł KowolikArtur MarczewskiDamian BonczekKamil Wojciechowski

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Modelul mașinii:
Numele echipei: Car Thieves
Site-ul echipei: Niciunul
Fondată: Sezonul 25, Cursa 6
Trofee: 0
Victorii cupă (faze eliminatorii): 0
Total puncte: 22,975.16
Medie puncte/cursă: 18.41
Medie puncte/sezon: 312.96
Averaj pozitie clasament: 188.78
Cele mai multe puncte câștigate într-o cursă: 37.60 (Sezonul 48, Cursa 2)
Poziția curentă: 80
Punctele curente: 278.2664
Realizari echipa:

19% deblocat

Majoritatea membrilor din Elite: 1 (Sezon 43, Cursa 1)
Membrii ajunsi in Elite: 2
Numarul curselor reprezentate in:
Rezultate cumulate:
Rezultate in acest sezon:
Număr de supporteri: 1
Locuri libere: 0

Membrii echipei

Loc Naț Numele managerului Grupa Contribuție
01. Sebastian Janczewski Amateur - 75 8.9% (3.9%)
02. Witek Dzideczek Rookie - 14 4.7% (7.2%)
03. Mariusz Palak Amateur - 54 12.4% (5.3%)
04. Michał Kaczmarek Amateur - 55 10.1% (3.7%)
05. Adrian Paradowski Amateur - 25 14.1% (3.2%)
06. Dariusz Borysiewicz Amateur - 47 5.7% (2%)
07. Paweł Kowolik Pro - 13 9.6% (1.7%)
08. Artur Marczewski Pro - 2 14.9% (1.7%)
09. Damian Bonczek Amateur - 14 7.4% (0.8%)
10. Kamil Wojciechowski Amateur - 23 12.4% (0.7%)

Emblema echipei

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Team History:
Team "Car Thieves" was founded by Janusz Sibierski in season 25 and was called "Ferrari F1 Racing Team". It took three races to fulfil the team with maximum of 10 managers. Before the start of season 27 changed its name to "The Conspiracy Team".

Name "Car Thieves" was proposed before the start of season 31, but from this season "Car Thieves" family contained 3 befriended teams, and every one of them gained a unique 3rd part of the name [ Alpha ] [ Bravo ] [ Charlie ]:

The Conspiracy Team - Car Thieves [ Alpha ]
White Eagle Team - Car Thieves [ Bravo ]
Champion - Car Thieves [ Charlie ]

Due to restructuring before season 40 "Car Thieves" family is now containing two teams:

Car Thieves [ Alpha ] - Car Thieves
Car Thieves [ Charlie ] - Car Thieves II

Team for friends, colleagues...

Short stats of the team and its members (state after S85R17)
- 2 managers in Elite (Kuba Szajbel - S43, Adam Wójcik - S58)
- 5 participations in Team Cup (S42, S48 ,S52 ,S63 und S69 )

- 528 wins
- 537 pole positions
- 545 fastest laps
- 1410 ( 2 and 3) places on the podium

Team only for Polish players. If you want to join send a PM team leader.

Car Thieves II /pl/TeamProfile.asp?TeamId=1047