
Martin GranöToni SöyrinkiAbdullah KasapogluThomas UvynIvars VilkensOlli TamminenDamir HictalerKaiko KellKen NeihartChris Wood

СтатистикаКликните да бисте додали/уклонили тим са своје листе за праћење

Тимске боје:
Име: Association*ONE*Europe
Сајт тима:
Основан: Сезона 10 - Трка 11
Трофеја: 0
Победе у тимском купу: 0
Укупно поена: 40,492.46
Просек пона по трци: 27.03
Просек поена по сезони: 459.53
Просечан пласман: 61.43
Највише поена освојених у једној трци: 50.73 (Сезона 17 - Трка 3)
Пласман у сезони: 45
Поена у сезони: 323.8667
Тимска достигнућа:

33% остварено

Највише чланова у Елит рангу: 3 (Сезона 65, Трка 1)
Број чланова који су дошли до Елит ранга: 8
Укупан број трка у:
Ове сезоне:
Број супортера: 8
Слободних места: 0

Чланови тима

Место Нац Име Група Допринос
01. Martin Granö Master - 5 5.1% (0.8%)
02. Toni Söyrinki Elite 20.8% (16.8%)
03. Abdullah Kasapoglu Amateur - 30 13.9% (2.5%)
04. Thomas Uvyn Pro - 5 12.5% (8%)
05. Ivars Vilkens Amateur - 56 4% (1.9%)
06. Olli Tamminen Amateur - 36 12.4% (7.3%)
07. Damir Hictaler Amateur - 28 6.9% (3.9%)
08. Kaiko Kell Pro - 22 12% (4%)
09. Ken Neihart Pro - 11 3.8% (0.8%)
10. Chris Wood Amateur - 50 8.6% (0.9%)


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Welcome to AO Family!

Association One Europe was established way back in season 10 by a group of new, yet enthusiastic, managers. Over the seasons we have worked together to make sure that everyone in the team reaches the goals they set for themselves.

United under this common roof of Association One, AOE and AOG work alongside through an external forum. With this constant exchange of ideas and experiences from the different levels and a myriad of perspectives, we have been able to reach the highest tier and maintain consistent results season after season.

AOG is the child of an amazing commitment to the team from ex AOE managers, who took some time away from the game before rejoining. And thus with active participation of 20 intriguing beings, we present to you the AO brand.

We also have other initiatives such as our Association One Cup which also goes to show that the bond we have developed goes beyond the scope of GPRO and further expands into each and everyone's lives.

We would like to thank Pavlin Tzvetanov, who designed the team liveries, for his wonderful effort.

Meet our sister team AOG here: