Italian Academy

Simone BertolottoGiulio TarquiniEnzo Di MeoAlfredo BosioFabrizio GalassoMathias BaldoFabrizio RimoldiStefano CaleriYuzi RexMarco Lauria

СтатистикаКликните да бисте додали/уклонили тим са своје листе за праћење

Име: Italian Academy
Сајт тима: -
Основан: Сезона 17 - Трка 1
Трофеја: 0
Победе у тимском купу: 0
Укупно поена: 18,523.76
Просек пона по трци: 13.33
Просек поена по сезони: 226.55
Просечан пласман: 362.28
Највише поена освојених у једној трци: 36.13 (Сезона 96 - Трка 5)
Пласман у сезони: 129
Поена у сезони: 259.5997
Тимска достигнућа:

10% остварено

Највише чланова у Елит рангу: 0
Број чланова који су дошли до Елит ранга: 0
Укупан број трка у:
Ове сезоне:
Број супортера: 0
Слободних места: 0

Чланови тима

Место Нац Име Група Допринос
01. Simone Bertolotto Amateur - 64 11% (9.8%)
02. Giulio Tarquini Pro - 12 15.9% (11.6%)
03. Enzo Di Meo Master - 1 12.2% (5.5%)
04. Alfredo Bosio Amateur - 23 5% (2.8%)
05. Fabrizio Galasso Pro - 12 15.5% (9.2%)
06. Mathias Baldo Amateur - 37 10.6% (3.3%)
07. Fabrizio Rimoldi Amateur - 17 6.2% (7.1%)
08. Stefano Caleri Rookie - 51 9.7% (1.1%)
09. Yuzi Rex Pro - 2 7.7% (1.3%)
10. Marco Lauria Pro - 19 6.2% (5.6%)


Инфо |  Статитстика чланова |  Достигнућа |  Историјат |  Догађаји |  Посетиоци
Made in Italy.

To apply for the team you first need to PM the team leader stating what your level of knowleadge of the game is and what you're searching from our team.
Everyone who apply without following this rule will be rejected.

We're people who plays for fun and always want to learn something more.
We're still developing so at the moment we're searching for motivated people that have base knowledge of the game (at least you need to have read the guides in the game or some seasons of experience) so they can fast learn and improving both for themself and for the team.
Skipping one race can happen (all of us have a real life and unforeseen events sometimes happen), but if you skip 3 or more races in a short amount of time we will start to think to kick you out.
Everyone is welcome but we would like to speak Italian inside this team, so it's better if you speak Italian.

Actual members:
- Simone "Silversoul" Bertolotto
- Giulio "The crazy veteran" Tarquini
- Enzo Di Meo
- Alfredo Bosio
- Fabrizio "The Reborn" Galasso
- Mathias "Thias" Baldo
- Fabrizio "Zib" Rimoldi
- Stefano Caleri
- Yuzi Rex
- Marco "The Ghost" Lauria

Forever member:
- Cristian "Cecio" Bardi
Thank you for your time with our team, hope that you're in a better place now. R.I.P.

A story long 68 season
Season 17: Born as Italian Team thanks to Simone Furlanis
Season 22: Name changed to MiT, with Fabrizio Rimoldi who takes leadership
Season 26: Full house: all 10 spots filled for the first time
Season 32: Name changed in Team Fulmini Tricolori
Season 65: Giulio Tarquini becomes the team leader
Season 67: Simone Bertolotto becomes the new team leader
Season 69: Name changed to Italian Academy, a new adventure begins
Season 80: Amateur hitchhikers: all 10 members in Amateur or higher
Season 83: Most points at the end of the season (436.6001); Most points in a race (34.60); Best placement at the end of the season (45)

Special thanks to Andrea Cussigh, Paolo Bonora and Matteo Bernardi who were the foundation of the team for many years and thanks to everyone who have contributed to this team!
We aren't a top team but with our passion we have always gone on.