reAnimated Green

Mick RidleyKyle MorrisRolf ToblerJim NortonDaryl GeePeter MulhollandJordan BalderstoneLyee ChongJordan RandallVincent Baguet

СтатистикаКликните да бисте додали/уклонили тим са своје листе за праћење

Тимске боје:
Име: reAnimated Green
Сајт тима: -
Основан: Сезона 44 - Трка 9
Трофеја: 0
Победе у тимском купу: 0
Укупно поена: 22,473.64
Просек пона по трци: 24.40
Просек поена по сезони: 414.82
Просечан пласман: 109.73
Највише поена освојених у једној трци: 43.93 (Сезона 68 - Трка 13)
Пласман у сезони: 35
Поена у сезони: 314.0671
Тимска достигнућа:

24% остварено

Највише чланова у Елит рангу: 1 (Сезона 52, Трка 1)
Број чланова који су дошли до Елит ранга: 4
Укупан број трка у:
Ове сезоне:
Број супортера: 6
Слободних места: 0

Чланови тима

Место Нац Име Група Допринос
01. Mick Ridley Amateur - 31 8.5% (10.5%)
02. Kyle Morris Pro - 13 9.2% (9.4%)
03. Rolf Tobler Amateur - 34 13.8% (6.4%)
04. Jim Norton Pro - 24 11% (5.6%)
05. Daryl Gee Amateur - 47 11.7% (2.7%)
06. Peter Mulholland Amateur - 79 6.5% (2.4%)
07. Jordan Balderstone Amateur - 47 9.9% (0.7%)
08. Lyee Chong Rookie - 9 5.4% (6.5%)
09. Jordan Randall Amateur - 28 12.6% (0.2%)
10. Vincent Baguet Amateur - 65 11.4% (0.2%)


Инфо |  Статитстика чланова |  Достигнућа |  Историјат |  Догађаји |  Посетиоци
restore to life or consciousness; revive.
"in the vain hope of being reanimated he left his body to science"

When this team started out. We were all relatively dejected with the state of the game. The entire ambition behind this team was to get a good group of guys together. Have a banter and get back into the love of the game.

We have 100% achieved that. Other members goals may have changed since then and have left to pastures new, but our goals have changed too. We are aiming to be a top team in the game. But not at the expense of having a monotonous team atmosphere.

[GPRO Oscars] S57 & S58 & S60(Joint) Unofficial Community Awards winners for:

Your favorite GPRO team apart from your own :D

[GPRO Oscars] S59 Unofficial Community Awards winners for:
Most Overachieving Team


During the season break, reAnimated, became reAnimated Green, and CTR joined our ranks as a sister team, and became reAnimated Black.
