Association ONE Global

Maciej RabińskiNigel KohKris KilsbyAdriaan V JaarsveldtTony OliverMike ZestasVitaly SevovNicholas BryantJouni TolvanenTim Anle

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Название команды: Association ONE Global
Сайт команды:
Основана: Между С37 и С38
Чемпионства: 0
Победы в Кубке: 0
Всего очков: 25,485.17
Средние очки/гонку: 23.08
Средние очки/сезон: 392.43
Средняя позиция в чемпионате команд: 132.02
Больше всего очков за гонку: 44.73 (Сезон 48, Гонка 10)
Позиция в сезоне: 201
Очков в сезоне: 266.4503
Командные достижения:

24% открыто

Наибольшее количество членов команды в Элите: 3 (Сезон 49, гонка 1)
Членов команды, дошедших до Элиты: 11
Количество гонок в:
Суммарный результат:
Результат в этом сезоне:
Количество supporter'ов: 7
Свободные места: 0

Члены команды

Место Нац Имя менеджера Группа Вклад
01. Maciej Rabiński Amateur - 43 15.8% (3.8%)
02. Nigel Koh Pro - 4 11% (7.9%)
03. Kris Kilsby Amateur - 17 14% (6.3%)
04. Adriaan V Jaarsveldt Pro - 4 6.2% (6.5%)
05. Tony Oliver Master - 3 6.3% (7.2%)
06. Mike Zestas Pro - 6 3.4% (2.8%)
07. Vitaly Sevov Master - 3 8.4% (3%)
08. Nicholas Bryant Amateur - 4 10% (2%)
09. Jouni Tolvanen Amateur - 37 16.9% (1.9%)
10. Tim Anle Pro - 21 8.2% (2.6%)

Логотип команды

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Welcome to AO Family!

AOG is the child of an amazing commitment to the team from ex AOE managers, who took some time away from the game before rejoining. Now that the team is set and balanced out, we look forward to taking this initiative forward, making this a strong and competitive team aiming for the championships and beating all others.

The idea to start a sister team was born from discussions between Tim Anle and Viesturs Priede, former members of AOE.

AOG works in close association with AOE through an external forum, where there is a constant exchange of ideas and experiences, which has helped us to reach the pinnacle of this game.

We would like to thank Pavlin Tzvetanov, who designed the team liveries, for his wonderful efforts.

We also have other initiatives such as our Association One Cup which is becoming popular by the day and loved by our fellow GPRO managers. This initiative was started by Martin Seppam and Tim Anle, and is now one of the most sought after initiative in the community.

Meet our sister team AOE here: