Blue Supernova

Vlad NedobugaVictor ChernyshevSergey VosnesenskySergey KholdinDmitry PetrovAlexey LaktionovAleksei FilimonovAleksey TitarenkoDmitry Starostachev

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Teamnamn: Blue Supernova
Teamets hemsida:
Etablerat: Säsong 7 - Lopp 1
Mästerskapstitlar: 1
Vinster i knockoutcupen: 1
Totalt poäng: 42,717.43
Snittpoäng / race: 26.08
Snittpoäng / säsong: 443.34
Genomslittlig position: 63.24
Flest poäng tjänade i ett lopp: 65.40 (Säsong 50 - Lopp 8)
Säsong position: 49
Säsong poäng: 160.5332

52% uppnåda

Flest medlemmar i Elite: 3 (Säsong 42, Lopp 1)
Medlemmar medtagna till Elite: 13
Antal lopp representerade i:
Kumulativa resultat:
Resultat denna säsong:
Antal supporters: 0
Lediga platser: 1


Plats Nat Managernamn Grupp Bidrag
01. Vlad Nedobuga Pro - 22 6.1% (9.1%)
02. Victor Chernyshev Pro - 1 19.6% (9.5%)
03. Sergey Vosnesensky Rookie - 139 7.4% (2.4%)
04. Sergey Kholdin Master - 4 9.8% (1.4%)
05. Dmitry Petrov Pro - 19 10.1% (1.5%)
06. Alexey Laktionov Pro - 18 17.9% (0.6%)
07. Aleksei Filimonov Pro - 10 19.6% (1.4%)
08. Aleksey Titarenko Master - 3 3.3% (0.7%)
09. Dmitry Starostachev Master - 3 6.3% (0%)

Teamets logotyp

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Among a milliard of toneless and hollow teams there was a glaring and luminous blaze. The phenomenon was later called Supernova and it was so much fierce that couldn’t be pacified in one team only; therefore it was spread over several sister-teams.

Currently Supernova group consists of:

Black Supernova

Blue Supernova

White Supernova

The radiance of Supernova is still attracting a great number of followers who tend to become a part this GPRO stellar explosion, though only a few of them find their way to the community.