>>>Hot Wheels<<<

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Názov tímu: >>>Hot Wheels<<<
Stránka tímu: Žiadna
Založený: Sezóna 20, Pretek 1
Majstrovské tituly: 0
Víťazstvá v pohári: 0
Celkový počet bodov: 7,572.54
Body/Pretek: 5.66
Body/Sezóna: 96.21
Priemer poradí v rebríčku: 618.62
Najúspešnejší pretek: 28.33 (Sezóna 40, Pretek 14)
Priebežné poradie: 804
Počet bodov: 0
Tímové úspechy:

10% odomknutých

Najviac členov v Elite: 0
Počet členov privedených do Elite: 0
Počet pretekov odjazdených v:
Kumulované výsledky:
Výsledky v tejto sezóne:
Počet supportérov: 0
Voľných miest: 0 (Tím neaktívny)

Prevziať tím

Prevzatie zrušeného tímu, ak si už bol členom tímu, ťa bude stáť $5.000.000 iank ťa to bude stáť $7.500.000. Informácie zverejnené na tímovom fóre (ak ho tím mal), nie sú súčasťou predávania kompetencií a budú pred prevzatím kompletne vymazané. Ostatné veci ako logo tímu, tímové informácie, štatistiky tímu, rekordy, budú naďalej zachované. Iba manažéri v skupinách Amateur a vyššie môžu prevziať tím, ak nemajú finančný dlh.

Prevzatie tímu >>>Hot Wheels<<< ťa bude stáť $7.500.000.

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Informácia  |   Štatistiky členov  |   Úspechy  |   História  |   Udalosť  |   Návštevníci
Hot Wheels mostly consists of experienced managers located mainly in the United Kingdom.

We have a very active, helpful team forum!

Here at Hot Wheels we have a number of time saving tools and spreadsheets to help new and experienced managers but the use of 'external tools' is limited to those sanctioned by the team.

We are in the midst of a rebuilding process so if you would like to be a part of it, do apply now!

The 'A' Team:
Rob (The Chizz) Chissim
David (Mr Fluke) Horn
Kai Wen (The Ice Cream Man)
Misaac Souza

New Talent:
Billy Johnson
Chris Greenall
Kevin Faber

Past Legends:
Patrick (Hot lips) Holahan
Chris (Stato) Hughes
Adam (The Badger) Haywood
Sanjay Ashok Kumar
Mike Busby
Alan Horsley

Season 40-48 was a couple of seasons where we looked bipolar, one season we were flying up top and the next we were struggling. Still consistent around the top 300 most of the time though :p

Season 39 was ok but was mostly down to the amazing efforts of The Gaurav and not so much the rest of us slackers :)

Season 38 was another poor one with barely anyone going for promotion.

Season 37: Finished 96th, which is our best ever, and next season we will have 2 in Pro and 1 in master so we must be doing something right :)

In Season 36 we did manage our biggest ever points haul in a single race but, as predicted, our final position finish was a bit weak. Next season should be an improvement but i'm not sure if we'll break into the top 100 again.

Season 35 was dissapointing for the team but with quite a few newly promoted managers i suppose it was to be expected. This season we have 3 managers in Pro but probably no one pushing for promotion so expectations aren't extremely high.

We had our best ever team finish position in season 34 and this year we hope to do even better.