Coca-Cola Racing

Daniël Du PlessisFrancois HeunisSteffan WetkeIwan GerbesTim TrolongRudolf Prinsloo

Štatistiky tímuKlikni pre pridanie/odobranie tímu zo zoznamu sledovaných tímov

Tímový vzhľad:
Názov tímu: Coca-Cola Racing
Stránka tímu: Žiadna
Založený: Sezóna 26, Pretek 1
Majstrovské tituly: 0
Víťazstvá v pohári: 0
Celkový počet bodov: 13,472.50
Body/Pretek: 10.91
Body/Sezóna: 185.45
Priemer poradí v rebríčku: 435.60
Najúspešnejší pretek: 27.13 (Sezóna 64, Pretek 17)
Priebežné poradie: 448
Počet bodov: 68.8662
Tímové úspechy:

10% odomknutých

Najviac členov v Elite: 0
Počet členov privedených do Elite: 0
Počet pretekov odjazdených v:
Kumulované výsledky:
Výsledky v tejto sezóne:
Počet supportérov: 1
Voľných miest: 4

Členovia tímu

Pr.č. Nár. Meno manažéra Skupina Príspevok
01. Daniël Du Plessis Amateur - 40 28.5% (7.7%)
02. Francois Heunis Amateur - 22 26.9% (9%)
03. Steffan Wetke Amateur - 78 1.7% (0.4%)
04. Iwan Gerbes Rookie - 107 27.2% (0.2%)
05. Tim Trolong Rookie - 126 6.4% (0.1%)
06. Rudolf Prinsloo Amateur - 68 9.3% (0.9%)

Logo tímu

Informácia  |   Štatistiky členov  |   Úspechy  |   História  |   Udalosť  |   Návštevníci

Welcome to Coca-Cola Racing!


To have no relegations and some promotions

About Coca-Cola Racing

We are a group of English speaking drivers who strive for in-game improvement and help each other every step of the way. We have a great group of active drivers. We are a fun, outgoing team who is ever growing and working together to get to the top.

For applicants:
1. Want to join the team? Send a pm to the team leader.
2. If team is full, message the team leader. If anybody leaves or happens not to be active, you'll be the one to take his/her place over.
3. Please be able to read and write in English.
4. Please be active. Players who miss more than 4 races in a row without team contact will be kicked from the team. (You can holiday your account as the "CCRO" makes it easer)
5. Please share with the team. We encourage managers to help team members when possible.

What we can offer:
1. Experienced managers to help with problems / answer questions.
2. A friendly group of guys.
3. Ever improving and competitive team - if you ain't first, you're last.
4. Active team.

Team records
Best position 104th 65
Most points 351.87 76

Top Contributors:
80 Lutendo
81 Daniël
82 Sheldon
... ...
89 Benson